AHG’s family-friendly multi-level structure means that girls from all program levels meet together as a single Troop at the same time. The five program levels of AHG exist to guide a girl towards becoming a woman of integrity in her own way through exploring life skills, faith and service.
Pathfinder: Ages 5-6. Under loving leadership from a volunteer or older girls in the Troop, these girls will earn necklace beads for attendance and participation. They may also receive the Fanny Crosby Award for completion of the level.
Tenderheart: Ages 6-9. These girls will learn life skills and grow in faith through Troop activities, Badge and Patch programs, service opportunities and outdoor adventures. They may also receive the Sacagawea Level Award.
Explorer: Ages 9-12. These girls are ready to take on more responsibility by learning life skills and growing in faith with extensive requirements on Troop activities and service. They may also receive the Ida Scudder Level Award.
Pioneer: Ages 12-14. These girls are ready to show leadership skills by assisting Adult Members with planning and organizing of badges, events and service projects. They may also receive the Harriet Tubman Level Award.
Patriot: Ages 14-18. These girls learn life skills vital to adulthood through Troop activities and Girl Leadership opportunities. Patriots can earn AHG’s highest level award; the Abigail Adams Level Award. They can also earn AHG’s highest honor, the Stars and Stripes Award.
Helpful Information
Þ Regular meetings are twice a month (see calendar) on Mondays, from 6p-8p (August to May), at Grace Baptist Church (201 Belinda Pkwy, Mount Juliet). Occasionally, meetings or activities may happen outside our regular schedule; appropriate notice is given.
Þ ALL communication is done through email or AHGfamily Announcements. Therefore, Parents/Guardians must make sure the Troop has an email that is checked regularly so as not to miss out on Troop correspondence.
Þ Yearly Cost: Estimated from $95-$170 (depends on badges/awards earned)
· Annual Girl Membership Fee; $40, Sister Cap is $105 for three or more girls in a family. (Due in August/September)
· Uniforms per girl member; Pathfinder shirt $12, Tenderheart/Explorer (vest and emblems) $40, Pioneers/Patriots $23 (sash and emblems), official polo shirts for Class A uniform $27 (red or white), Class B uniform t-shirts are $15.
· Handbooks (per level); Pathfinder $11, Tenderheart/Explorer $20, Pioneer/Patriot $20.
· Bundle options that include uniform and handbook together, are available in the AHG Store! Start-up packages run $31-$85.
· Badges/Level Awards/Sport Pins; $4
· Fun Patches/Service Stars; $1 (some may cost $3-$4)
· Annual Program Support Fee; $20, Sister Cap is $50. (Due in August/September)
· Activities; “Pay as you Play.” Activities such as Camporee, Daddy/Daughter Dance, Lock-ins, Badges in a day, etc… are examples of “pay as you play” events.
· Troop Dues; we do not do fundraisers so there may be dues to cover supplies needed throughout the year.
Þ Parents must sign-in/out their daughter(s) at every meeting. Girl members are not permitted to do this. Sign-in/out table is visible upon entry.
Þ Regular meetings start with Opening Flag Ceremony and Devotions, then we break into Unit time. The different units work on badgework or service projects. After Unit time, we reassemble to close with an activity, and Closing Flag Ceremony.
Þ You are welcome to leave your girl member at regular meetings and return at pick up time, as long as all her forms are signed and submitted, including the Troop Meeting Permission Slip. Also, remember that you must sign her in/out.
Þ We encourage you to stay during meetings as it will benefit you and your daughter(s). If you would like to be involved in special events (Camporee, Badge-in-a-Day, etc…) or would like to join Leadership, you will need to become a Registered Adult. This is to ensure that our girl members are directly associated with adults who have been background checked and trained in youth/protection/safety. Adult registration is $40 yearly. Please see our Troop Coordinator if you are interested.
For more information about AHG visit: